Tuesday, November 15, 2011



这次是我给自己最后机会。不要再回头。以前,失去他,也没想过回头。不要再为了她们回头。我曾经是一个自尊很强的人。不要再把自己弄的很可怜。抬头!!!! 你没有做错事。就算有,已经道歉了。现在你是问心无愧!!! 记住!

我说过,要变成很冷漠的人。我不会再那么替别人想,我不会再放那么多感情,我一定要学自私! 这样我才不会受伤。我一定要有一道冰墙围住我。别人不保护我,我就自己保护自己。天天笑也被人误会成心机重。好!! 我一定会像你说的,变一个心机重的人。

Sunday, November 13, 2011

it's over

it's over it's over it's OVER! i have to keep reminding myself this! everything is OVER!!! no matter how many times you think of it..how many times you dream of them.. it's OVER! impossible to stand on the same stage with them now! cause you are an outsider! when can you get over this? don't you feel tired keeping that small hope? please wake up! even you dreamt about it.. you still need to wake up.. and face the reality! PLEASE CHRISTY LIM! please wake up la! when will you stop thinking and move on with your own life? when can you get used to a life that is without dancing and without them! please remember! you are consider an outsider.. Dawn's arch don't belongs to you anymore.. or either way.. please wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 11, 2011


i went to their practice today.. seeing them practicing for new dance... new competition.. my heart pain..

i have no right to blame anyone because i'm the one that gave up on them.. gave up on all the stages.. i know i have no one to blame.. but still i can't control how my heart feels.. i know.. i am totally an outsider now.. none of the competition related to me.. i just felt... weird...

i thought i could overcome this feeling.. but i can't .. i'm an useless person... my tears never finish.... honestly.. why am i crying? why? it's me who concluded everything like this... who am i to even cry? i don't see big difference in the group without me.. but i can clearly difference in my life without them.. i lost chances of dancing.. i lost 5 precious members.. even though we are still friends.. but i know we are not that close anymore.. i lost a big part in my life.. i lost two precious thing in my life.. dance and friends.. maybe i got chance to dance again but not as Dawn's Arch member.. honestly i dont feel like dancing on the stage without them with me.. i don't feel secure.. but it's past... i'ts memories..

i used to cried a lot when i watch SJ memories video.. because i felt sad that hankyung left.. but now whenever i listened or watch those songs.. i can only relate it to myself... we used to laugh together.. we used to cry together... we used to gone through a lot...

honestly i hope they could stand on a big stage successfully soon... even though i can't stand on it with them.. but there's no one i could blame.. i just truly hope.. they will be able to be successful soon..

last time.. my dream in dancing was... dawn's arch got number 1 in any competition and we cry on the stage together... that's the scene that i always HOPE for.. but now... i think have to change to.. Dawn's Arch got number 1 in any competition and THEY cry together on the stage..

when i talked to suying.. sometimes.. i always mention DA as my group or our members.. but after 1 sec.. i'll change it to "THEM" of course i felt heartache everytime i have to change it.. honestly... i don't even dare to call her jagiyah now.. i'll call her Chris..

Why? why this happen? i envy those groups that members always say they want to quit but still able to solve everything and stand on the stage together.. sometiems i wonder.. how come our group cannot? once it's spoken.. everything is confirmed..

yes.. even though i never want to admit this.. i regret quitting.. because i lose my precious friends.. its the friendship that makes me regret.. i regret regret regret.. but nothing can be change.. so what if i cry non-stop? so what if i keep thinking bout them.. so what.. cause i'm the one that quit.. nobody will cares if my heart pain.. cause i'm the one that quit... let me cry for another week.. i hope my tears can end.. seriously.. everyone moved on.. besides me... T_T why? i always cry in the car while listening to korean songs.. there's no korean songs that i can not relate to them.. every songs seems related to them.. the worst thing is.. i cried hard in the car.. and once i reach somewhere or meet some friends.. i had to smile like nothing happen.. it's tiring..............................................................................................

how come my life so full of them? i realized this two years.. it's always dancing and DAWN'S ARCH! why is it like that? now i lost both.. my life is nothing..

Saturday, November 5, 2011


今天,终于见面了。。并不是什么open talk。只是mysj有舞蹈比赛所以见面了。


吓到啦!所以第一眼我是有点不知所措。所以没有笑。TT 我不想的。然后进厕所后,我的心快跳出来了。其实我是很想抱她们。尤其是我的jagiyah。好久没抱她。可是出来时,有电话。所以就没讲什么就出了。然后我们继续逛逛。遇到kpop朋友就聊了几句。然后我看到她们了。就尽力的过去跟她们打招呼。叫她们加油。觉得她们好有型喔!这样的打扮真的很帅。然后被人叫去别的地方。

比赛开始了。当然有很多是第一次所以很紧张也很乱。可是我最讨厌人重编舞蹈。现在sj beast bb 的舞步很差吗?需要你重编!!!! 看到我火都来了! 我宁愿跳的乱可是也不要乱改舞步。经典的舞步都没有了。你们回去你们的领域啦。很生气。很讨厌!!!!

终于到她们了!我和盈喊得很大声。也一直叫旁边的朋友喊。她们很帅。我还为她们喊属于她们的fanchant。哈哈。。把don't don改去dawn's arch。

可是不知道为什么,看下看下,突然眼泪一直涌上来。我一直忍。一直不经意的抹眼泪。我记得,之前,其实我有梦过这个画面。她们同样跳两首歌。不同的是,henry是我当。因为我没有时间跟她们练舞所以就当henry。可是起码我是一起跳的。看完她们,还要看progression。很尽力的喊。完毕了。我就冲去厕所。然后抱着盈就哭了起来。我一直努力笑。一直说没事。可是眼泪很不争气一直掉。 然后收拾心情。洗脸就去看看结果。

她们拿第三。超不开心咯。输给我讨厌的那一组。替她们不爽。过后我就立刻想离开。因为我怕眼泪又掉。就跟很多朋友告别。看到她们很忙的拍照。不知道要怎么跟她们告别。矮爸爸说,为什么我不去找她们拍照?讲话?我就说,已经讲话啦。你要我怎样?去抱她们啊?他说,就去抱啊!!! 我真的无语。过后,我就跟von说我要走了。帮我跟她们讲。她说“真的不要跟她们讲话??我帮你叫她们” okok 我去找她们。我就过去要跟她们拍照。看到她们没事,我也自然的跟她们讲话。然后她们需要上台拍照。我就跟von假装粉丝上去。我还一直很想她们的crazy fans。哈哈。

她们说待会吃饭再打给我。其实我看的出,队长好像没有很舒服的样子。不知道是因为看到我还是因为不满意表演/结果。 我们并没有讲话。因为大家很忙。离开后,我们到处逛街。我一直想,其实为什么大家叫我过去跟她们讲话。她们不能过来吗?我没有后悔主动跟她们讲话。因为我开心可以讲话。可是为什么一定是我主动?其实我也是一个被动的人。盈说因为我的形象是这样。主动,乐观跟开心。所以如果我有一点发呆没有笑,大家都会觉得我生气,伤心。可是我也不能一直笑的啊。刚才明明就伤心,不知道为什么心痛可是还是要一直笑。很累。别人问我为什么没跳,我笑笑的说,因为我没时间啊。



Friday, November 4, 2011



文字的确能让我轻松。不想跟任何人讲话。就来这里。不想出声,就来这里把所有东西写出来。原来我christy lim 也会有不想讲话的时候。也有自闭的时候。还好我记得我还有一个blog。以前我很讨厌写字。我觉得人要用嘴巴把所有事讲出来才会轻松。可是现在,没有人听之外,我不想讲。有点讨厌讲话。

没有人懂。只有我懂。没有人会看,没有人会了解。起码我轻松了。不需要任何人的关心,不需要任何人的同情。我现在过的很好。虽然,我想到我要变冷漠的人,我眼泪又来了。是对以前那开朗的christy有点想念吗?不舍得。。。。 以前,我很爱笑,很爱讲话。嘴巴不可能停。我很乐观。很爱哭。很容易相信人。因为人之初,性本善。她没杀我那不需要理它。很容易忘记伤心。




好想找个地方,发呆。。。以前我不会发呆,从山上回来后,好爱发呆喔。发呆很好阿。在自己的世界。。灵魂可能飞到某一个地方。。 好想在海边发呆。。。。。。



昨天,矮爸爸说我最近太negative了。太grey了。因为我说,我和跳舞的缘分已经完了。哇!一生人很少听到有人这样说我。我回他。grey一点都不错阿。太positive就会想我以前一样。认为全部都会happy ending。有希望!!这样知道了现实会很伤的。期望变失望。。如果我变成一个grey,negative,icy cold的人。那以后我就没什么期望。这样我就不会受伤了。现在还没踏出社会。以后我的工作,我觉得我需要变成一个冷漠的人。这样就不会有太多情绪,不会有太多信任,不会有受伤。读到了一篇不知道是不是给我的句子。如果我那么黑暗的看这世界,阳光永远都进不来我的生命。以前啊,我太多阳光照进我的生命。让我的眼被刺的什么都看不清楚。都是暗一点比较好。




Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My dance group - Dawn's Arch??

Dawn's Arch
Leader : Freezee

Kuggit Gee (Malla)
Jean Chan (Jean)
Chrisaiden Lee Dh (Chris)
Hau Yeen Lance 孝燕 (Lance)
Chee Yeng (CY)
Estee Ang (Estee)
Casey Fan (Cat)
Christy Lim (CL)
Laisan Wong (LS)

someone asked me.. when will i stand on the stage again...
someone asked me.. what is DA performing in mid valley?
someone asked me.. what is DA doing now?
someone asked me.. when you will meet DA again..

the answer for all the questions is DONT KNOW!
i don't know when will i stand on stage again
i don't know what they are performing..
i don't know what they are doing..
i don't know when will i meet them..
i just don't know!!!!

someone said.. why you so funny one.. donno anything bout your own group.. that's because .... it's not my group anymore... everytime i tried to smile when they asked me all these questions..but my heart hurt like hell..



有人告訴我,珍惜接下來的日子。想想夢想,想想他們。ok。有人告訴我忘記以前的事,想想未來。ok。有人告訴我,listen to your heart,you want to go back, then go back。ok。有人告訴我,回去要改所有壞習慣,ok。有人告訴我,running away wouldn't solve problem. if you appreciate our relationship, then should not conclude everything like this. ok。 你們的每一句話,我都記得。

我想了很久。哭了很久。終於決定了。可是竟然沒有被接受回去。心被割第三次。如果沒有要我回去,幹嘛講那麼多??????我的心不是人心嗎? 為甚麼? 不要跟我講那麼多如果沒有要我回去。我也是會傷心的。其實我一直到處找朋友喝茶,是因為我不要一個人。一個人會讓我很多東西想。我不要安靜。我以前從不會主動call人喝茶。主動去找人。現在我是甚麼? 一直對外笑笑,心其實沒有真心的笑。開心的我在那裡?我主動跟你講話,因為我不想後悔,我覺得我們的友誼還是重要。不是要拉回關係。讓我容易回去。我真的只是想做回朋友。我不想失去你們這群姊妹。可是。。。。。。。。。。我很想去mid valley。可是,我很怕。我很怕再被傷。我也很怕你們看到我,表演興致消失。我覺得我是你們眼中不想見到的人。跟application沒有分別。可笑吧!本來是團員,過後變成討厭的人。我接受不到。


anyeonghaseyo! we are DAwn's Arch! can i still say this?
i don't dare to upload this pic.. cause i know they are back to their normal life now.. i don't want to stir up their emotions.. either mad or upset or sad..

28.9.2011 my goodbye stage..

Jagiyah... Leader... Partner.. Fashion Designer.. Maknae.. believe it or not.. you girls had a very important place in my heart.. every single one..


原來 我還很在意。。。。
原來 我眼淚還沒流完。。。
原來 我還不習慣。。。。
原來 我傷口還在流血。。。
原來 我還忘不了。。。
原來 心還痛。。。
原來 我 放不下。。。
原來 我還沒站回來。。。
原來 我還在乎。。。
原來 我還期望。。。

原來 一切變回憶了。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。