Dawn's Arch
Leader : Freezee
Kuggit Gee (Malla)
Jean Chan (Jean)
Chrisaiden Lee Dh (Chris)
Hau Yeen Lance 孝燕 (Lance)
Chee Yeng (CY)
Estee Ang (Estee)
Casey Fan (Cat)
Christy Lim (CL)
Laisan Wong (LS)
someone asked me.. when will i stand on the stage again...
someone asked me.. what is DA performing in mid valley?
someone asked me.. what is DA doing now?
someone asked me.. when you will meet DA again..
the answer for all the questions is DONT KNOW!
i don't know when will i stand on stage again
i don't know what they are performing..
i don't know what they are doing..
i don't know when will i meet them..
i just don't know!!!!
someone said.. why you so funny one.. donno anything bout your own group.. that's because .... it's not my group anymore... everytime i tried to smile when they asked me all these questions..but my heart hurt like hell..
有人告訴我,珍惜接下來的日子。想想夢想,想想他們。ok。有人告訴我忘記以前的事,想想未來。ok。有人告訴我,listen to your heart,you want to go back, then go back。ok。有人告訴我,回去要改所有壞習慣,ok。有人告訴我,running away wouldn't solve problem. if you appreciate our relationship, then should not conclude everything like this. ok。 你們的每一句話,我都記得。
我想了很久。哭了很久。終於決定了。可是竟然沒有被接受回去。心被割第三次。如果沒有要我回去,幹嘛講那麼多??????我的心不是人心嗎? 為甚麼? 不要跟我講那麼多如果沒有要我回去。我也是會傷心的。其實我一直到處找朋友喝茶,是因為我不要一個人。一個人會讓我很多東西想。我不要安靜。我以前從不會主動call人喝茶。主動去找人。現在我是甚麼? 一直對外笑笑,心其實沒有真心的笑。開心的我在那裡?我主動跟你講話,因為我不想後悔,我覺得我們的友誼還是重要。不是要拉回關係。讓我容易回去。我真的只是想做回朋友。我不想失去你們這群姊妹。可是。。。。。。。。。。我很想去mid valley。可是,我很怕。我很怕再被傷。我也很怕你們看到我,表演興致消失。我覺得我是你們眼中不想見到的人。跟application沒有分別。可笑吧!本來是團員,過後變成討厭的人。我接受不到。
我很想痛哭一場。anyeonghaseyo! we are DAwn's Arch! can i still say this?
i don't dare to upload this pic.. cause i know they are back to their normal life now.. i don't want to stir up their emotions.. either mad or upset or sad..
28.9.2011 my goodbye stage..
Jagiyah... Leader... Partner.. Fashion Designer.. Maknae.. believe it or not.. you girls had a very important place in my heart.. every single one..
Hennessy Artistry Party
13 years ago
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