今天帶著愛睡的狀態去kpop party。一路上有說說笑笑。第一次和R團家族一起。很好笑。看他們rehearsal,一起吃午餐,終於要開始了。有點緊張因為要見到兩個團員。從那間事開始,很久沒見他們。一直在想會不會尷尬。可是我自己是沒怎樣啦。因為過去了。可是很怕他們尷尬。會不會沒有東西講。
開始不久後,他們來了。第一眼見面是很遠的地方。我在跟別人講話。見到他們,我第一個反應是開心的揮手。然後見到他們,只覺得他們很高 ==|||因為他們穿高根鞋。沒有任何尷尬,沒有任何感覺,就很自然。好像甚麼都沒發生過。只是過了一陣子,我才回神。喔。原來剛才沒有尷尬耶。原來我們那麼久沒見面,不會有想像中的尷尬。如果是跟她見面,也會沒事嗎?
Sunday, October 23, 2011
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Thursday, October 20, 2011
華語底質不是很好。可是我想到這句話就覺得很對。我怎麼會那麼厲害的句子??? 哈哈哈哈
我生氣她,甚至是他們,失望他們沒有叫我出來open talk。傷心和灰心。我先道歉,我自認我有出力要挽回這段友誼。我本來真的不要再管。如我之前說,我也有我的自尊。可是現在,生氣沒了。如果我放著不管,我們友誼會不會真的沒了?就算結果可能還是挽不回,可是起碼我努力了。也盡力了。所以不會後悔。現在雖然很有可能,把自己又推進去受傷,可是為了這段友誼,蠻值得的。最重要是不要讓自己後悔。不管結果如何,從以前放棄了他開始,我說過不要讓自己後悔。
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011
我很犯贱耶。说了各走各路然后不要管她。可是,,,,看到她上线,好像跟她讲话喔。看着她的名字。在想要怎么开头,想了很久,她下线了。哎。算吧。我很怕待会又伤到她。像上次一样,明明在骂着我,我还白痴突然跟她讲“saranghae” 因为我不知道她在讲我阿。我以为她很大压力。TT
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Tuesday, October 18, 2011
我沒有經歷過你們的生活。難道我一直從那麼遠去練舞是假的嗎?難道我是富家小姐嗎?早知道我就不要顧慮我們的友誼。退出了就不要吃回頭草。現在還被人家嫌 棄不讓我回。又不理我。好啊!隨便你們怎麼說我無情無意!其實說穿了!!!是你逼走我的。以前那位也是你逼走。現在也是。你們就過你們的生活吧。
我也有我的自尊,也有我的驕傲。之前我真的真的很內疚讓團那麼多煩惱。也真的很想真心改過。可惜到現在我從你身上看不到要我回去的誠意。有人說,只要雙方都有誠意挽留這段友誼,一定能忘記過去。我覺得我已經付出了誠意。但看不到另一方有付出。那我要怎麼樣?說真的。不是一隻手能排的響。你受了很多委屈那我沒有嗎?你們說我的錯誤都是最近才發生的可是你們說得像是一直以來都是這樣。因為最近錯誤,把我兩年的努力都抹殺掉。我不委屈嗎?可是影說忘記過去,最重要是以後。所以我都盡量不想。只要改過,那就沒問題了。只要我改。我一直這樣想。可是你沒有給機會回去改過。你沒有要改善我們感情。我這個禮拜一直在等。等待那一天我們見面,我要好好道歉,然後大家擁抱。忘記過去。哼!!!!!!!! 沒有人要我留下。
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Friday, October 7, 2011
my life seems pathetic after all.. and i seems useless.. not a good daughter.. friend..member..dancer..student..worker..sister.. wow! i'm not good
that's why i don't have bf la!!! how to attract ppl while you are good in NOTHING? sorry DA
and i am selfish.. i keep searching for their blogs beause i want to know how they feel and their problems everyday.. but i never let anyone to know this blog..
she said i lost or lack of trust towards my members.. actually it's because i never trust myself.. i trusted them last time.. i was confidence last time.. but after this incident.. every single tweets.. every single words, everything.. always makes me wonder are they scolding me? are they talking bout me? i lost trust now.. i used to trust myself for being a good member and friend. but now i lose that trust on myself.. since the day i realized i am not a good member, i lost trust, everything.. i'm overly sensitive i realized.. but i can't stop it.. because i'm lack of confidence... in fact... i lose it.. so i can't help but being over sensitive..
i felt stupid for not understanding their previous tweets.. half people asked me to go back so that i don't regret for the rest two months.. some people said i should just pull out if it's suffering.. and lose trust among each other.. and why let them make my life suffered..
i chose to go back because i want to maintain the relationship.. while isn't that reason is why i quit at the first place? so if i can't maintain the friendship now, it's not worth it when i make such breaking heart decision...
for the beginning till the end, the whole incident, seems to be my fault.. everyone (well at least those that involved) pointed out my mistakes and all these mistakes caused this to happen... i agreed that all this caused by me.. but who will realize.. i did'nt mean it.. lots of things happen for a reason.... and some of the mistake that they mentioned.. i only done it once.. but it's remembered often.. i'm now viewed as a person that caused lots lots lots of troubles and mistakes.. but i got my own reason for those actions that i showed.. nobody will understand... because majority said i'm a trouble maker.. slowly.. even myself convinced that i'm a trouble maker.. by thinking back on all this.. i am convinced that i'm the one who caused all these and make them tired..................
no excuse for myself... no reason... i am tired........................................... suddenly i realized.. they only know me for 2 years actually.. my best friends who know me for more than 10 yrs... knows me very well.. we understand each other feelings... each others thinking.. and after we fight or argued, we never remember those after the incident.. but not everyone like that.. sometimes.. those that had said... will hurt their feelings and that will caused scar in their heart.. so it's my fault for thinking everyone should know what kind of person i am.. in this world.. only God knows me very well... that i don't mean lots of things.. in the end.. it's still my fault.. why am i like this??????????
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其實為甚麼我會受到那麼大的打擊。是因為我自己接受不到自己是這樣令人討厭。從小到大,都算是比較受歡迎的人。大家都好像很喜歡我。也養成了我這開心的性 格。突然讀到一遍這樣的文章。才會讓自己崩潰。原來我令自己人討厭。如果那遍是別人寫的,我完全不在乎。是自己隊友。才會崩潰吧
突然發現,原來我是這樣的人。這樣不會尊重別人,不會想別人的痛苦,不會看別人心情,不會體諒,反正就甚麼都不會。以前只聽過別人的稱讚,說我多麼善解人 意。哈哈 原來以前的人騙我耶。所以我現在找不到自己的尊嚴,自己的自信,自己的存在意義,自己的貢獻。真的找不到耶。從被人捧著然後掉地上。跌得很傷很傷。
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Monday, October 3, 2011
no where to hide
i got no where to write my feelings.. everywhere when i write something, it'll misinterpret as i'm trying to gain sympathy or trying to hints... why everyone can write bullshit and scold someone in twitter but when i write it, it's simply trying to get attention.. can't i write bullshit too?
i made an important decision last week in my life.. its my first time breaking down emotionally.. i never cried like this in my life.. my heart never break like this into pieces before..before this, in Church Camp, pastor asked anyone need prayer of heeling their broken heart, i couldn't think of a moment where i'm totally hurt and still have a wound in my heart.. therefore i didnt step out.. but still Pastor came and prayed for me.. i don't understand what she was praying last time.. now i knew it.. i really need that prayer.. now~~ because my heart breaks..
these few days, everyone included my love ones keep asking me.. WHY WHY WHY WHY... why do i gave up on them.. why do i gave up on my dream.. why do i do this to them.. why do i make them so tired.. why do i think nonsense.. honestly.. i can tell everyone loudly.. i'm the one who suffered the most when i make this decision... i'm the one who is the most tired and depress when i make this decision... but no one knows.. it's just two months more to hang on.. if i only care bout my dream.. my stage.. i will just continue without knowing anything... for the big stages that coming.. but i can't hang on because i need to maintain our friendship.. everyone said i think too much.. but no one can answer my question "tell me what's the point staying in the group after u read the blog"" no one can answer me that... i know it's all misunderstanding.. and continuously i keep telling myself... actually u can't blame her from misunderstanding.. if i'm in her position.. i will misunderstood too.. but i can't stop myself remember every single words from her blog.. do u know how hard is it for me? nobody knows.. just like han kyung.. last time.. we used to scold him and mad at him for giving up on his brothers.. making his brothers suffered.. but if he wasn't suffered till he can't stand it.. he wouldn't do that decision.. it's really hard..
right now, everyone said chill, and u can go back cause they will welcome u.. even they said that.. but when u are chilled, think about it.. can everyone pretend nothing happens? we continue our life like nothing happen? if i go back, it'll only be awkward for us.. so another question, what's the point of going back now? because of my dream and my stages? i don't care bout those compares to their feelings.. i don't want them to be awkward.. i want them to be crazy like last time.. i used to be very naive.. i wanted to be naive this time.. go back pretend nothing happen! dance on the stage! but i can't do that now.. i'm forced to think multiple times now.. i don't care bout the fame on stage now.. i care bout them.. stage and performances are nothing compare to them... of course i do feel sad that i couldn't stand on stage with them anymore.. that breaks my heart too but what really breaks my heart was.. i have to leave them...
nobody understands.. everyone will just keep blaming the one who break up... just like a couple.. the one who breaks up is always the evil one.. it's ok.. let them be.. i don't mind getting scolded.. whenever they scold me, not that i'm gonna lose some meat.. all i want now is.. we can still be friends.. that's what really meant for me.. in my life, besides God and family, friendship is the important element.. i don't want to lose it..
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