Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Something never change

our tagline of the night.. hahaha

someone mentioned in FB... you don't lose your friends as time passed... you just know who is the real one..

that's really true... many friends come and go in your life.. they might be the best gang to hang out with in certain time.. like in high school.. uni. u hang out with different groups of people.. but in the end... when you are growing older.. who stays in your life? there's this group of people that will never leave my life.. (well not yet and i hope they wont!) 15 years.. we know each other.. we are all far from each other.. we never meet often or talk everyday... we might just meet twice in a year or less than that cause few of them are overseas... but when we gathered.. nothing change.. we are still that group of people that love each other and will talk bout anything!

i love how i do'nt have to hide my feelings.. pretend to be someone i'm not.. i can be who i am in front of them.. we can say anything we want.. we can be damn straight forward... that's what  friends are!

i love how we can still chat for few hours everytime we meet.. even though we don't meet often... i seriously thank God for this group of people... 7 of them... they said you're lucky if you can find one real friend your life... i found 7! lucky to the MAX!

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