after watching all the special programmes about the Sichuan Earthquake... i realized that all the so call problem that i'm facing now are craps... it's nothing compare to what the china people and the myanmar people facing now... they lost their house in just few minutes.. lost their family members.. this is different from war cause you can get ready everything when u know war is coming... but all these natural disaster.. you can't predict... the children are all going to school as usual... suddenly earthquake attack them and the building just ruin in few minutes or maybe seconds... lots of people died in just few minutes... after the snow incident... China faced another big problem again... China supposed to celebrate this year cause it's Olympic in Beijing... everyone is like so happy this year and suddenly they lost so many people...
but their army and the people there really touched me... the army just save the people non-stop and it's actually very dangerous for all the army.... i don't know whether the same thing will happen in Malaysia as in the polices and army will help the people first rather than run away... i can't say that Malaysia polices won't help cause we never face problem like this before... but when you look at China's army and polices you really salute them.... they broke their hands and legs just to help the people there and right now they are just looking for dead bodies cause really few people that can survive right now... they fight and tried so hard just to save those dead bodies... they really touched my heart....
after all these snow... earthquake and typhoon incident.. it make me feel so lucky to stay in malaysia... cause beside flood... Malaysia don't have natural disaster like what other country faced... i'm really glad that i stay in Malaysia as in i don't have to worry what will happen next minute to my house.. my family and my country.. Malaysia is a good place and i thank God for placing me in this country.. sometimes we always complain about Malaysia but actually it's the people in malaysia that we dislike... not the country itself... it's some human being doing something ridiculous and make us dislike our country.. but in fact.. we actually living in a wonderful country... so next time i will say " i don't like some celaka people in Malaysia but not Malaysia itself! i love Malaysia! cause it make me feel more secure than staying in other country.."
everyone.. let's pray for the people in China and Myanmar.... no matter their family members still alive..
i pray that you all will at least find your family members... i pray that you all will live in better life in the future because you all have good government and good leaders.... i pray that you all will be strong to face everytihng in the future... and i pray for those polices and army to be save while you all saving other people... you all must take care so that you all can save more people... i really respect you all!! i pray to God please take away all these disaster at least for this year cause they faced too many things in one year~!! God please protect them!! Amen
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Appreciate every moment you have~!
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Saturday, May 17, 2008
i'm back!
lots of things happen during my first week of internship... u might think i'm useless.. why the first week also cannot tahan.. although i have to work for 10-16 hours per day but that's not what i'm dislike... it's because.... aiya.. long story.. nvm la... it's over now...
anyway before my internship starts... i went to kevin's birthday party in maison... for more information and pictures... pls visit the chatolic cutie... the stonedmunkeys and nick's blog.... i enjoyed myself there.... danced... observed others... got free show somemore!! hehe... then i drove dice's car!! from subang to my house.. it's quite near and it's highway so not a prob.. ya incase u all dunno i drove to sunway.. to my college.. to my aunt's house.. finally i can drive!! haaaha thanks to my bro's gf.. she taught me...
then friday...sat and sun i went to Pekan which is located somewhere near Kuantan.... it's a orang asli place... so i get to see how orang asli live and their life ofcoz... but this group of orang asli abit modern la... their house are not those wooden houses like the rumah panjang.. it's simen ok? dn't play play ar... anyawy i went there with my church friends.. we are there to spread the God's words... and me myself became a christian on Sunday 11 May 2008... maybe some of you will think... eh? you are not christian meh? ahahah actually i said i'm a christian because i believe in God the Jesus Christ and i can't say i'm buddhist or somehting else... but i'm not real Christian as in i don't go to church beofre this... i don't read the bible and i haven't read the salvation prayer..... right now.. i'm a Christian! hehe i hope i won't let everyone down for being a bad Christian... but i believe God will help me anywhere.. hehe
now i'm still working.... it's saturday.. yes it is.. and tmr i'm working as well.. its sunday... let me tell you my schedule k? my working hour is depend on the shooting hour....
first day - 10.30am till 1.30am
second day - 7am - 9.30pm
third day - shooting off but need to go office.. 11.30am - 7pm
fourth day - 9am - 9pm
fifth day - 9am till 8.30pm
today - 9am till dunno what time....
but i'm actually quite ready for this kind of timing coz it's shooting ma... this industry is like that wan.. i understand.. so what happen that make me so upset and cried alot? long story tell you when i see you k if u wan to know.. hahahahaaahh bye
oh ya if you wan to know more on the drama that i'm shooting now... go to or
we are doing next season for this malay drama.... get to meet all the malay artists which i don't know.. hehee
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Saturday, May 3, 2008
it's over...
finally i'm done with my semester 4...i'm done with my finals and i think i did quite ok in most of the subjects beside media planning.... i really can't believe that time flies like an arrow... all the memories... all the events.. the meetings are all still recalling in my mind.. i really miss ASAP... although we had lots of conflicts (i called it battle)... we faced lots of problem... but still i miss this campaign...
i miss our first meeting where we had to decide what campaign and what name to give... i miss when everyone scream just because we got a name for our campaign...i miss our very first fund raiser where we did crazy things and even our seniors were impressed... i miss songs dedication... i miss selling jco and dominos... i miss it when we played the nuts game until we all gone nuts... i miss double dare...i miss those moment where i had to call media everyday...i miss our first road show where we get lost and end up somewhere that we all have no idea...i miss our roadshows where we get to meet all the cute kids and play with them.... i miss all our meetings where we gave different ideas and how excited it was when we get something where we all agreed... i miss the day when i get my ASAP shirt.. it look so cool.... i miss those moment when we were preparing for our launch... i miss our launch.... i miss PWTC smartkids exhibition... i miss when we were having fun with all the balloons and telling other people how great our events and tshirts are... i miss those moment where we had our ticket booths with all the cruisers from MyFM, Hitz.FM and FlyFM although i was really stressed when the two FMs met each other... i miss those moment where we need to asked everyone to buy our tickets and stressed where no one seems interested in buying.... i miss our DanceQuake '08 although we faced lots of problem and faced lots of weird people... i miss those moment where we danced on the stage and posed as the Topi Crew.... i miss those moment where we had to deal with lots of people... i miss the moment where we get to knw we sold 440 tickets...i miss those moment where we screamed together when we get lots of funds from donations driving...i miss those moments where we felt so touched when some event are done.... i miss those moments where we tried to help each other when others faced problem... of coz.. i miss those moment where i have to stay back in media hub more than 3 hours per day to edit the video....i miss the moment when i finished the video and they like it... i miss those moment where people claps when they are watching the video...
when i was copying all the pictures and everything related to ASAP to a CD.... i felt abit moody coz it's over.. i know i'm weird.. we faced lots of lots of problem and conflicts.. most of us always feel like crying... but still i really wan to go back to those days.... where we all fight for one objective! to raise fund!! and of coz to get good grade in CPM.... although my mark is lower than my expectation but at least not that far.. i really love those days and thank God for helping me... i know You are always there when i;m editing my video... You always be there when we feel really helpless.. thank you~~
ASAP4Children = Abduction: Social Alert Project for Children....
again i present to you... ASAP official video... i know it's not perfect but it gave me satisfaction...
this is the first one.. i prefer this coz the latest abit too rush...
thank you ASAPians... thank you to our papa kumar...
p.s - thanks to those bunch of stone monkeys... they brough me into a small room that full of computers... and taught me how to play CS.. althgouh i die every 5 seconds each round but i had fun!! why la i always had fun with u all after i emo... thanks alot wei!!!
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